Via Some say baseball is the slowest game in the world, I'll bet this umpire would say that taking a slider to the gonads didn't feel like it happened in slow motion.
It happened during the opening round of the College World Series in a game between NC State and Stanford. Pitcher Evan Justice uncorked a slider that catcher Luca Tresh couldn't handle. The ball glances off the dirt and makes a perfect strike in the junk.
Luckily, the game was being broadcast on ESPN and they had mic'd up the ump and given him an "Ump Cam" too! I don't care how much protective equipment you're wearing, this has got to hurt.
Watch the pitch come in from his perspective, listen to the sound he makes upon impact, and then the sounds the announcers make watching the baseball docking maneuver in slow motion. It's America's pastime!!!