Chuck Nowlin

Chuck Nowlin

Hear Chuck Nowlin weekdays from 2pm - 7pm on 100.7 WZLX.Full Bio


Russian "Popeye" Might Die If Petroleum Jelly Isn't Removed From His Arms

Kirill Tereshin is a 25 year old Russian MMA fighter dubbed, "Popeye," because of his massive biceps, not because he works out like crazy, but because he pumped his arms full of petroleum jelly.

Doctors have warned the former soldier that if he doesn't get the lumps of Vaseline removed from his 24 inch guns, he could die. The fake muscleman says, “I bulked up my arms when I was 20 due to my own stupidity. I did not think about the consequences. I really worry about this. I am very afraid….I should have thought about this earlier, I know. I blame myself, I know I’m guilty."

How does this guy's arms not explode when he gets in the octagon?

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