Chuck Nowlin

Chuck Nowlin

Hear Chuck Nowlin weekdays from 2pm - 7pm on 100.7 WZLX.Full Bio


New York Post Trolls Boston Ahead Of Wild Card Game


Via October baseball in Boston! Does it get any better? The evil empire of the Bronx comes to Kenmore Square for a win or go home game tonight. The Boston Red Sox versus The New York Yankees for the American League Wild Card Game. The winner goes on to play The Tampa Bay Rays, the loser gets to watch.

The Yankees are even bringing back Bucky "Bleepin" Dent, the below average hitting pinstripe who drove a dagger through Sox fans hearts with a game winning home run in the 1978 one game playoff between these two teams. He'll be back at fenway tonight.

In honor of the rivalry, the New York Post tried to turn the tables on the worldwide known, "Yankees suck" chant, by doing a cover story about how "Boston sucks." They're even selling the t-shirt the cover model is wearing.

Some of their points are valid, Mark Wahlberg, and that obnoxious cousin from Bosssssston in the Sam Adams commercials, but the rest sounds like sour grapes over the fact that the Red Sox have won four World Series this century and seven of the last eight series against the Yanks.

For example:

  • Mark f–king Wahlberg 
  • John f–king Kerry 
  • Tom f–king Brady 
  • Pasquale “Patsy” Parisi from “The Sopranos,” talking about Boston: “That place is Scranton, with clams.” 
  • Gotham. Big Apple. City That Never Sleeps. Them: Beantown. 
  • Having a “Happy Hour” in a bar or restaurant is illegal. 
  • Boston sex symbol: They wear the new flannel. 
  • Did you see that Brady hug with Belichick? Hahahahahaha! 
  • Faneuil Hall, the world’s first and most overrated food court. 
  • The city that always sleeps. Most restaurants in Boston close at 10 p.m. 

You get the idea. Some of them are funny, others, meh. Check out the list of suckiness here at

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